If you have lots of files and folders on your computer, and want to find out a particular file or folder from this jungle, normally we use Windows built-in search utility. But it is not only quite slow but can’t search on some files, for example source code from an html file, Super Finder can find this, which is quite useful for web designers. Just right-click on the results and you get the usual context menu, letting you open the html files with notepad or some other text editor.
Super Finder is a very useful application for Windows. This powerful replacement for Windows built-in search can search files, folders and other data efficiently and easily. You can be used for locating files or folders in the file system and directory tree with an extensive set of criteria, by name, location, size, date and time, or content of the file, etc.
You can download Super Finder from here

You can download Super Finder from here
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