Resizing an image is necessary in many places, for example, in blog posting or inserting in to email required a small image to make it load fast or fit in to the page.
Features of PictureGridle includes:
There are several programs in this category, here is a very simple and tiny (400Kb) application - PictureGirdle which makes the task of resizing and re sampling images as easy as dragging and dropping them onto a button - many at once (batch processing).
PictureGirdle also has the ability to convert jpg, bmp, gif, png, wmf, and tif images into any of these formats. This application works under Windows XP and Vista. XP users required to install Microsoft .Net framework 2 on their computer.
- Faster processing
- Resize many images simultaneously
- Convert image formats in to jpg, bmp, gif, tif and png
- Save the file in the original location, no need to enter any other location – quite easy and fast!
PictureGirdle does have a maintain aspect ratio option. It's the green checkbox labled Mnt Asp to the right of the X/Y dimentions. If Mnt Asp is checked, PictureGirdle treats X/Y as maximum dimentions and will calculate which axi to use as the base.
ReplyDeletefor example, if an image of 1000x760 is processed with the Mnt Asp checkbox checked, and the X,Y are set to 500,500 respectively, PictureGirdle will output an image of 500x355 because X reaches the max limit of 500 first.
Thanks to the info. Now it is clear.