A simple green, red or yellow rating lets you know immediately if, in ThreatExpert's opinion, the website is safe to visit, harmful or needs to be visited with caution. If the website is not amongst their millions of crawled domains, then a grey rating will be shown.
This utility helps you to keep away from any possible threats including viruses, spyware, adware, exploits, spam and other unwanted software. This add-on also integrates with the search results provided by popular search engines such as Google and Yahoo! so you can see if it is safe to continue before you visit a site.
Since this application still in beta stage, the results are less. They need to add many web sites in their database. (via-dotnetwizard)
I wonder how this compares to "Web of Trust": www.mywot.com
ReplyDeleteOf course WOT and McAfee SiteAdvisor are the best alternatives. Browser Defender still in developing stage.