If you have large collection of pictures on your computer - whether it is downloaded from internet or collected from several other sources, it may happen that you have many duplicates also. Manually searching duplicates photos and deleting them is not an easy job, especially if it is a big collection. Here comes the importance of VisiPics. This free tool finds and deletes all your duplicate images very quickly and easily.
Download the program from www.visipics.info and install it, run the program. Add the folder containing pictures on your hard-drive. To add a folder simply drags into the top pane of the program window.

Slide the Filter tab to select the level, if you want the scan to be strict, or loose. The Strict level means the slower the speed of scanning.
Then click the Play button to scan. The duplicate image should appear in the Thumb-list on the left pane. Wait until "Remaining files" and "To compare" fall to 0.
To delete duplicates, left-click the pictures to mark them (or select ‘Autoselect’ to automate the process) and click on ‘Delete’ button.
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