Status of your hard disks can be seeing by small indicator lights in the control panel of the program. Depending on the status of the hard disk, it changes its color; Blue – no activity to report, Green – read access on the partition, Red – data is being written onto the partition, Yellow – data is being written onto the partition and read access on the partition has been reported.
O&ODriveLED2 uses S.M.A.R.T. (Self-Monitoring Analysis and Reporting Technology) for analyzing the hard disk and warns you of potential problems that may arise. All modern hard drives with SMART are capable of running self tests. You can perform a self test by a mouse click with this tool.
After installation, in the Control panel right click on ‘Hard disk’ icon and select SMART, then select ‘Start detailed SMART test’. After the self test, if no errors are found, the respective categories will be lit up green. If errors occur, they will be reported; more details available with the associated help file.
If you like this tool, you can now register for a free license key. Visit this address: www.oo-software.com/home/en/special/driveled/ and register your name and address. You will get an email that includes your free key and download link. Use your key and email for downloading the product. After installation activates it according to the email you just got.
Thanks, simple and effective.