Finding what is slowing down your system performance is very useful for shutting down such programs for smooth working of a system. The free tool, Rubberducky, gives an average of system information at a glance, the small aquarium sits above the system tray, and elements of the aquarium represent system information.
Water level indicates RAM usage, if the water level is too high the duck will drown. If you open too many applications, your computer memory starts filling up. If the duck is drowning close some applications to improve performance.
Water color indicates swap file usage. If the water color is muddy, the computer is using too much swap files. The computer starts using swap file when it is running low on free memory. If your water color is dark close some memory intensive applications.
Bubbles indicate CPU usage. As your programs use more cpu power more bubbles appear. If there are too many bubbles, one of your programs using too much CPU. That means, it may slow down or destabilize your system.
Fish indicates network traffic. When you have fish swimming your computer is sending/receiving data. Fish moving from left to right indicate inbound traffic such as download.
Plants indicate disk activity. When the plants are waving, your computer is writing data to the hard disk. If there is too much hard disk activity, your system may slow down. The program is clean and free,you can download it from here.
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