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PeerBlock blocks certain IPs accessing your PC

PeerBlock is a freeware security tool for Windows that lets you block certain IP address that are added in its block lists. These include advertising and data tracking servers, anti-P2P organizations, and malicious adware and spyware servers.

PeerBlock is similar to Peerguardian, a premier IP blocker for Windows, but includes bug fixes for various issues found in Peerguardian when it comes to Vista and Windows 7.

PeerBlock efficiently safeguard your privacy, whether you are sharing files with Bittorrent or just surfing the web, it won’t allow ‘others’ (block listed IPs) to access your PC.

Installation and usage of this program is pretty simple (details here). You can enable or disable blocking feature from the system tray. The automatic update of block lists ensures more security.

PeerBlock supports Windows XP, Vista, and Win7 and can be downloaded from here (via). More details / Updating block list / Download


  1. >> PeerBlock efficiently safeguard your privacy, whether you are sharing files with Bittorrent or just surfing the web, it won’t allow ‘others’ (block listed IPs) to access your PC.

    For blocking IPs, why can't we use firewalls ? It's more effective than this...

  2. please!
    go to read something before posting!

  3. Anonymous: Mithun's question makes sense. Maybe he is not such a newbie after all... There are firewalls that can block selective IPs or ranges (for instance, IPtables) but the point is that is can be a mess to configure and keep the rules updated. Most times is much more convenient to use some sort of program like PG.

    On the other hand, let me introduce to you my own block list, which includes more than a thousand dangerous IPs, some listed nowhere else, as for now:

    Give it a try and pay attention to some logs in your system, like eMule (verbose mode), FTP/HTTP servers, SSH attacks...

    While blocking such a tiny deal of IPs, I am pretty sure that you will find them much clearer.


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