As its name suggests CopyWipe lets you copy or securely wipe entire hard drives contents. This is useful, for example, if you want to transfer entire hard disk contents to another disk and want to securely delete all data from the old disk.

CopyWipe is a free utility and is very ease to use. Besides copying contests it will help prevent confidential or private data from being recovered, by securely wiping the contents of a drive.
A number of options are provided for wiping (shredding), most of which exceed governmental standards (such as DoD 5220.22-M, NAVSO P-5239-26, etc.); this allows the user to choose an optimal balance between security and duration of the wiping operation.
A USB 2.0-to-IDE adapter, along with CopyWipe, provides a convenient method to create and maintain a complete hard drive mirrored backup.
Best of all, CopyWipe is now FREE and you can download it from here
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