With this tool you can convert PDF to Word 2010, 2007(.docx) and 2003(.doc) files. One notable feature of this program is its easiness to use. Just drag and drop PDF files into program’s window or right click on a PDF file to convert a file.
Features of AnyBizSoft PDF to Word Converter:
- Support encrypted PDF files conversion
- Support Microsoft Office 2010 and Windows 7
- 3 conversion modes—Batch, Partial, Right-click conversion modes
- Preserve text, layouts, images and hyperlinks in an editable Word document
Anypdftools giving away free copy of AnyBizSoft PDF to Word for personal use. This free offer expires on Mar. 1, 2010. So hurry-up, if you need this tool. [Thanks to Daniel for inform me about this free offer].
Thanks for sharing. I then tried it on a PDF of Chapter VI of my current book — 80 pages tightly formatted pages with lots of images, graphics, tables and text boxes. This is about as complicated a PDF that I deal with. And PDF to Word Converter handled it with panache.
ReplyDeleteIt works so great. Super useful.