Here is another method to check any files without uploading them to VirusTotal by using their new feature Hash Search. Only need to copy and paste file’s hash (md5, sha1 or sha256) into Hash Search.

In a simple word, Hash is mainly used for checking the honesty of files. A file’s honesty can be altered due to variety of reasons like malware infection, data loss, etc.
Ok, now how to locate a file’s hash? It is simple. There are several applications like Hash Tab to find that (Hash Tab is a Windows shell extension which adds a tab called "File Hashes" to the Windows Explorer file properties.).
Just install the application, then right click on any file and select Properties, then click File Hashes from the tool menu.

It will display MD5, SHA-1 hashes, copy one of them and paste into VirusTotal’s Hash Search. It will check the MD5 /SHA1checksum of a given file against the checksum database of
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