The Master Boot Record (MBR) is the very critical part of a computer system. If it is damaged due to a virus attack or by other means your data on your hard drive may lost forever. The MBR Backup tool helps you in such critical situation. The new version of MBR Backup tool (v.2) allows you to restore saved backups in the event that your MBR becomes corrupted. You can do this by connecting the drive to another computer.
There are several web based proxy servers available to surf the internet anonymously or as from another country. The Firefox add-on (Firefox 3 – 4) Phzilla helps you view a webpage or surf the internet using the PHProxy (a type of web based proxy server) proxy servers. It is very easy and convenient to use.
I might have visited your weblog a week back. Whew messed up my system a week back :( bookmarked this to solve problem in future.
Never found something useful like this before. Thanks for share it here =)