New features of Avast 7 (beta)

- FileRep service - This cloud based file reputation services helps to improve the decision making process of Avast.
- Streaming updates - keeps Avast up-to-date against latest threats
- Sandbox and Autosandbox improvements
- Browser protection improvements
- Remote assistance feature to help your friends with computer troubles
- Export/Import settings
- Runs on Win8 Developer Preview
- New installer, UI facelift and Screensaver facelift

How to install Avast 7 (beta)? You can install this version over your current Avast6.x version on your Computer, however not recommend to install in a productive environment.

Avast 7 (Beta) Antivirus (free), Antivirus (pro) and Internet Security (32 bit/64bit) can be downloaded from the here.
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