But one advantage I found with this extension is that, it can be used to prevent keyloggers from stealing our banking and other sensitive accounts details.

Virtual keyboard enables users to enter logins and passwords safely, which is especially useful for people who use public Computers. It can reduce the risk of exposing login credentials to hackers in some extend.
If you enter sensitive information directly through your keyboard, programs like keyloggers can log your key presses and transmit this to hackers.
After installing the extension, a virtual Keyboard pops up on every page with input text boxes and text areas.
To enable or disable keyboard on all tabs, either click on the page action icon in the Omnibox or press Ctrl+Space.

It Supports 80+ different keyboard layouts and you can configure multiple layouts through options page. To switch between layouts you can use the shortcut key Ctrl+Q.
Install Virtual Keyboard for Google Chrome (For Firefox users , this tutorial may help)
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